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the end. January 19, 2009

Posted by ❤moochi in Uncategorized.
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Ok guys. Well I’m quitting and don’t get me wrong it’s not because of some fight or anything bad, i’ve already been planning this for a pretty long time. It’s not just this blog it’s also dizzywood and it’s just because holidays are ending and i won’t be able to keep up with this blog or any of the blogs I work for anymore. So if you have me added on your blog you probably should remove me please.


And well I won’t be not going on dw forever I’ll try to go on at important times once in a while and I still have two weeks of vacation left I guess. 


From now on all comments will have to be approved by me before it comes out i’ll still be checking this every now and then. I’ll also have to delete my workers SORRY 😦 . I just think that since this is supposed to be the last post workers can’t post anything so what’s the use…

Anyway I’ll miss you guys even though I’m not really never going on forever or anything. lol. And I’ll miss this blog too. 


Oh and I’ll still keep my other blog in case any worker wants to post on it. I’ll check that one too:


